Introductory offer:

Commencement from Payment Date.

Billed in advance.

Valid for 2 Weeks from date of first class.

First class must be booked within 14 days of purchase date.



Not to be shared between multiple clients.

Validity is unable to be extended.


Single Class/Drop-in Class

Valid for 30 Days from the date of purchase.

Billed in advance.



Validity is unable to be extended.

'Pauses' due to holidays or sickness/injury or moving are unavailable on class passes. ​

5 Class Pack

Valid for 3 MONTHS from the date of purchase.

Billed in advance.



Not to be shared between multiple clients.

Validity is unable to be extended.

'Pauses' due to holidays or sickness/injury or moving are unavailable on class passes.

10 Class Pack

Valid FOR 6 months from the date of purchase.

Billed in advance.



Not to be shared between multiple clients.

Validity is unable to be extended.

'Pauses' due to holidays or sickness/injury or moving are unavailable on class passes.


All memberships are a direct debit contract with a 12-week minimum commitment, after the minimum commitment the membership will continue to roll on but can be cancelled anytime with 7 days written notice by emailing info@studiomouvoir.com. There are no joining fees and memberships can be put on hold with one week’s notice - please email info@studiomouvoir.com.

Unlimited membership holders incur a fee of $15 for late cancellations (cancellations less than 8 hours before class start time) and $20 for not showing. Limited memberships holders will forfeit one of their classes for late cancellations and no shows. Failed payments on any memberships will result in a freeze on your account booking abilities until resolved.

Limited memberships holders can book extra classes above and beyond their membership at a discounted rate - this will automatically apply at checkout when logged in.


In-Studio Policies;

The client must check-in with the teacher in charge upon arrival, to confirm they have attended. If you do not check-in upon your arrival, it is assumed that you have not attended the class and No-Show Fees will apply.

You must attend/have the intention to attend the class if you have checked in. If you check-in without the intention to attend (i.e., you leave the studio after checking-in to avoid a no-show fee), it is at the owner’s discretion to charge a no-show fee if it is deemed a ‘check-in’ was not in good-faith.


Late Cancel – A class cancellation that is made within 8 hours of the class start time.

No-Show – One is booked-in to a class, does not cancel their booking via the booking platform

(app or via the Studio Mouvoir’s website), and fails to attend the class.

Should you late cancel your class, the client is deemed to have attended the class and this will be reflected on the client’s account accordingly. A booked class must be cancelled in the Hapana Booking System (via the Studio Mouvoir App, or via the Website login) at least 8 hours prior to the commencement of the class. STUDIO MOUVOIR may, at its absolute discretion accept a cancellation by email or phone. STUDIO MOUVOIR may, at its absolute discretion accept a cancellation within the 8-hour timeframe.

Should you fail to attend your booked class, the client is deemed to have attended the class and this will be reflected on the client’s account accordingly and a $20 No-Show Fee will be applied to your saved payment method, via our payment processing platform.

By purchasing your class passes, you acknowledge that No-Show fees will be charged to your saved payment method, when applicable. You will be sent an email receipt of your payment once it has been processed. No-Show Fees may be processed by STUDIO MOUVOIR up-to 14 days after the class date.

If there is no valid payment method saved to your STUDIO MOUVOIR Account and a No-Show Fee is to be applied, an invoice will be sent via email.This invoice is to be paid within 3 business days, or late fees will apply.This policy is put in place to encourage clients to cancel if they won’t be attending, to allow other clients to take the spot. If a class is cancelled prior to the start of class, no fee will be charged.

Late Arrivals:

Should a client be more than 5 minutes after the class start time (as per the public/official timetable) their spot may be given to a walk-in client. In this instance, the client that has arrived late will be charged accordingly, as a no-show. This policy is in-place to ensure prompt arrival and as minimal disruption to class for other members as possible.

Classes will not accept attendees more than 10 minutes after the class start-time, regardless of whether there are free reformers, mats or not. This policy is in-place to avoid injury and to minimise disruption to the rest of the attendees. Warm-ups are an important part of the Studio Mouvoir experience and help to keep our client’s safe. By missing the entire warm-up, we cannot ensure to keep you safe. In the instance of a client arriving more than 10 minutes late and is unable to participate, the client be deemed a ‘No-Show’, and will be charged accordingly.

Refund Policy:

Whilst Studio Mouvoir aims to provide a regular and flexible class schedule, the number, type and frequency of classes is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise agreed, Studio Mouvoir does not offer refunds on service's (classes). Class Days,Times and Teachers are offered at the absolute discretion of Studio Mouvoir. Classes may be cancelled or re-scheduled at the absolute discretion of Studio Mouvoir. You will not be entitled to any compensation where classes are re-scheduled.

Liability Waiver;

In proceeding with the purchase of your class packages/membership, you agree that Studio Mouvoir is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend class.

I understand that Studio Mouvoir classes are physically strenuous, and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is a risk of personal injury, property loss, and/or death.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I acknowledge that such risks include but are not limited to heart attack,stroke, broken bones, sprains to ankles or wrists, muscle or tendon injury, back or neck injury, shoulder injury, knee injury, tendinitis, shin splints or other injury associated with high-intensity training.

I acknowledge that I have considered these risks and made an informed decision to participate in STUDIO MOUVOIR classes regardless of the risks. I have been given the opportunity to address any concerns I may have in relation to the risk of injury due to participating in STUDIO MOUVOIR’s classes.

I agree to disclose to STUDIO MOUVOIR and any person conducting a class I participate in any pre-existing condition I experience which may be exacerbated by the exercises performed in the classes before commencing any class.

You acknowledge that STUDIO MOUVOIR may refuse to allow you to participate in a class if they deem it unsafe to other participants or me. STUDIO MOUVOIR often films or photographs the studio, so you may appear in the background. I agree by signing this agreement that I allow Studio Mouvoir to use my image in social media, promotional, and other business-related material without any payment or otherwise by Studio Mouvoir.

If a provision or part thereof of this agreement is illegal, invalid, unenforceable, or void in a jurisdiction, it is severed for that jurisdiction. The remainder of this agreement has full force and effect, and the validity or enforceability of that agreement provision in any other jurisdiction is not


Purchase Policy:

Depending on the type of membership/pack/credit being utilised to attend a class, purchases policies will differ. Please refer to terms and conditions, specific to different purchasing options.

Across all Studio Mouvoir classes, payment (in the form of monetary value or a pre-purchased studio credit) must be received in full prior to the commencement of class.

Credits and/or memberships are not transferable to others, or for cash.

The prices of Studio Mouvoir Memberships, Packs, Classes and Merchandise may change from time to time without Notice. These changes will be reflected on the Website – www.studiomouvoir.com and on the Studio Mouvoir Hapana platform (mobile app and website) accordingly.

Member Conduct and Responsibilities;
Studio Mouvoir may, at its absolute discretion and without warning, cancel and refund any credits to a member for any of the following reasons:

· threaten or harass others;

· tamper with, damage or misuse studio equipment;

· act in a reckless or dangerous manner;

· wear clothes with offensive images or inappropriate advertising;

· use illegal or performance-enhancing drugs;

· interfere with the smooth running of a class;

· infringe on any intellectual property rights or trademarks of Studio Mouvoir;

· fail to disclose any injury or other issue which would prevent a member from

participating safely in classes.

Studio Mouvoir may, at its absolute discretion refuse a client from participating in a class if:

· the client has an infection, contagious illness or physical ailments, such as an open cut or sore;

· there is any other risk, however small, to other members and guests.

· in these circumstances Studio Mouvoir may choose to continue to refuse a member from participating in a class until:

· a doctor agrees in writing that you are fit to exercise

· proof is provided that you have received medical advice on an appropriate exercise program.


Ongoing Memberships;

You pay fees for ongoing membership fees in advance by direct debit from a bank account or credit card. You can pay your membership fees as far in advance as you like, up to the legal time limits (12 months). However, you still need to provide your account details for when your advance payments end. Should there be any arrears in payments, you authorise Studio Mouvoir to debit the outstanding balance in order to bring the account up to date. You will be responsible for any fees and charges associated with declined payments.

Paying by Direct Debit;

Your membership fees will be debited from your nominated account at the agreed payment frequency, as set out in your membership agreement. You request and authorise us to arrange for any amount we may debit or charge you to be debited by a third-party direct debit billing service provider from your account subject to their terms and conditions.

All payments (memberships and class packages) will incur fees from our External Payment provider.


You must make sure:

· ​Your account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this) • there is enough money in your account on the payment day and the next 5 days;

· You tell us if you are transferring or closing your account, at least 48 hours before your

next direct debit;

· You tell us about any changes to your credit card, such as its expiry date or number, at least 48 hours before your next direct debit.

Please notify Studio Mouvoir and your financial institution if you want to change or stop your direcT debits.


​You may request to cancel your membership by providing a minimum of 14 days’ notice prior to the end of your 12-week contractual cycle. Notice must be provided in writing to info@studiomouvoir.com. If notice is not provided, you agree your contract will automatically renew for another 13-week contractual cycle. If a sickness or injury occurs requiring more than 4-weeks of recovery time, we will lodge a suspension or termination request pending confirmation of an injury that has occurred or proof of injury. Memberships are required to come off suspension for any cancellations to be processed.


By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to the above Terms and Conditions, acknowledging you understand (but not limited to):

· The conditions of entry/participation

· The terms of your membership, package and/or purchase, including, but not limited to:

. Validity of Membership or Package

. Agreement Renewal Terms

. Eligibility and Terms to pause memberships

. How and when no-show fees are charged

. It is the client’s responsibility to check-in with the teacher in charge upon arrival

. Fees associated with multiple payment attempts

. Memberships and Session Packages cannot be transferred, refunded, or sold for cash.

. All sales are final

. Session Packages cannot be paused, nor validity extended.